Novasure Endometrial Ablation

by Dr James Purdy


  Novasure Impedance Ablation is offered by Dr. Jams Purdy to stop or reduce abnormally heavy menstrual flow (period). This outpatient surgery procedure can successfully treat heavy menstrual coditions with return to normal activities levels in just a few days.

  The patient experiences the same sensation as a "D&C" with the end result usually no more periods.

   Millions of women worldwide have experienced this safe procedure to eliminate heavy menstrual problems.   This procedure is covered by all major insurance companies and also by Medicare and Medicaide.





How do I know if my period is normal?

Learn More? Go to Hologic Web site for more!

During your menstrual cycle, your body prepares for the possibility of becoming pregnant. During the first half of your cycle, estrogen and progesterone hormone levels rise and thicken the lining of the uterus to protect the egg released by an ovary each month. If an egg is fertilized, it will embed itself into the new thick lining of your uterus. However, if no egg is fertilized, your body sheds the excess lining over the course of several days in the form of menstrual blood or, your period.

NovaSure (Endometrial Ablation): Uterus Diagram

Normal periods can vary from one woman to the next.

In a normal period

  • 4-12 tablespoons of blood are lost
  • bleeding occurs about every 24-31 days
  • bleeding lasts 4-7 days

In a heavy period

  • periods last for a long time
  • bleeding is so heavy you need to change protection frequently
  • heavy bleeding causes you to limit your activities or miss work
  • heavy bleeding causes fatigue or anemia

According to the National Women's Health Resource Center, over 56% of women have to make adjustments to their daily lives because of heavy periods.

Increasingly, physicians find that heavy bleeding is a common medical condition that patients often ignore.

Among women with abnormally heavy menstrual periods85% feel tired and nauseated; 77% feel depressed or moody; 76% experience bad cramps; and 69% have headaches

  • 1 in 12 missed more than a week of work because of a heavy period
  • 50% have had to miss a party or an event because of their heavy period
  • 80% have avoided sexual activities because of their menstrual period